Products on show

Handling Projector makes its debut
Prime Vision

Today, the key to success in the logistics market is operations that demonstrate total flexibility and agility. The growing e-commerce market pushes existing setups to their limits, forcing logistics companies to consider upgrading costly hardware or even replacing entire systems. Fortunately, Prime Vision understands this and has developed solutions to integrate seamlessly into existing systems, enabling practical scaling up of operations without enormous expenditure.

The company’s award-winning Handling Projector tracks a parcel along a conveyor while projecting upon it a destination number, instantly informing the operator where to place the item without them ever having to read the label. Over the past year, Prime Vision has worked tirelessly to fine-tune this technology and the Handling Projector is now operational in three major sorting centers. At the show, the company is excited to be running demonstrations.

Also making an appearance at the expo is the company’s Autonomous Sorting solution. Robots were developed to sort and transport parcels as part of an autonomous process. This innovative solution can be rapidly scaled up and down to suit operations. An empty warehouse can be transformed into an intelligent sorting center in a day. Once the demand subsides, robots can be deployed to other locations to help support operations.

Prime Vision has performed some impressive proofs of concept with a couple of major logistics companies, and is happy to share its experiences with visitors. A full-scale demonstration will be performed at a secret location in Utrecht, Netherlands; if you would like to attend, please contact the company directly to arrange a visit.

Booth: 910

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